Studio Lockdown
As April ploughs onward towards the summer months the global pandemic continues to ravage virtually every country on the planet. As an artist I have found a certain amount of solace at being able to continue to paint during these times. I am extremely fortunate to have my studio on my property and therefore can squirrel away for a few hours each day to under and consider, play and experiment.

Ideas, resting in myriad sketchbooks are being reviewed and developed. Notions captured months, years ago finally having the opportunity to be expressed. All the while the meadow indeterminately seethes to the pulse of the Springtime heart. Songbirds frolic and feed, finding nests in hard to reach – safe places. Just like the diminutive wren holed up in a woven hessian fish carrier embedded deep within the thorns of the ancient rose we too find ourselves locked away. It is a privilege to have access to this meadow and this studio. I count these blessings each and every day for I know that others are struggling.

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