Isthmus of Kra
Posted by rawistudios on June 27, 2020 in
Isthmus of Kra
Asia, a wondrous melting pot of colour and texture. No moment remains the same nor the silence refrained. Subtle changes as daily storms churn and alter compositions of sky and sea. Hunkered under palms and found shelter a cinematic experience unfolds in sky and sea. Working and travelling through Asia for over a year Wendy was struck by e enormity and importance of the sea. How the sea fulfils and nourishes, responds and destroys. The reliance on the resource leads to earnest respect. Consumed by the vastness Wendy was drawn to transient climatic conditions of the tropical heat, the burgeoning and thunderous passage of tropical storms and the subtle vanquish of the sublime. The delays in the sea in returning to calm became an effervescent veil slowly being lifted to reveal layers of warmth and serenity. Particular focus was on the almost daily passage of storms during the seasonal monsoon. They'd became a daily visitor bringing delicate nuances from the storm before.
Urban Herne (Poet at RAW-i Studios)
Wendy Connelly - Artist
Urban Herne (Poet at RAW-i Studios)
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